filisov 59 i have reed that site, this i have done, chack power suply, mesure resistanse of heather is about 15ohm, i have change many of them and i tried with bosch sensor ,put ntk629 than ntk610, get osciloscope view waveform of ecu , everuthing is ok
<span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>It is ecu d4 fuse 21 is not attached to ecu, pin 13 is grounD</span></span>
The oscilloscope does not allow you to check the pins in the connector. It only allows you to check whether the voltage comes in or not.
Therefore, you need to check the entire circuit with an ohmmeter from the fuse to pin 13 of the computer with the sensor connected.
When checking, pull the wiring, perhaps there is poor contact and when driving it increases resistance
I mean that 12v to the sensor is floating and same waveform from another wire is waveform is same to ecu that is reason for oscilloscope, but you are probably right maybe ground is floating at ground points
<span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Today I recheck ground, supply from fuse 21 connector 109,103 , and open ecu resolder connectors and again same error 036 maybe catalyst ain’t good I have this car 2 mouth early ovner have problem with error 341 I fix that error by put him to front of car after week it comes to me error 036</span></span>